For UK curriculum titles
Inside an Assessment you can Preview, view Questions
view Submissions
or Export.
Clicking on Questions will show you the question students have submitted answers for.
Selecting Submissions will show you a list of Students, the Status of their submission, the Date of submission, and the Score.
Clicking on Export will enable you to select the test and date period as well as the students you wish to export data for. You can save this to an excel spreadsheet.
Sending instructions to students
You can send students instructions through the assessment window – click on the speech bubble in the right hand corner to send instructions.
For international curriculum titles (Cambridge IGCSE, International AS/A Level and IB titles)
Most questions included in these titles are automarked and will provide immediate scores and feedback for students. However, some questions that test writing and speaking skills will need to be marked by a teacher.
For questions that require teacher marking we have limited the number of submissions a student can make to 1. This is to avoid many submissions creating additional marking for teachers and to preserve the feedback provided for review.
Overview by question
Selecting the questions tab provides an overview of the marks for each question created by the group. Use this view to identify questions that groups are struggling with.
Overview by student
Selecting the students tab will provide an overview of the most recent attempt submitted by each student.
Questions shown in green show that the student scored all the marks on the question.
Questions shown in orange show that the student scored some of the marks for the question.
Questions shown in red show that the student didn’t score any marks for the question.
To view the response a student has submitted click the eye icon for the student.
To mark a question, click the eye icon for the student you want to mark. Navigate to the question and enter a mark and a comment or feedback on their submission.
Click Set Mark to save your comment and allow the student to receive their mark. You can edit your comment and score, click Set Mark again to save the new comment and mark.
Clicking on Export will enable you to select the test and date period as well as the students you wish to export data for. You can save this to an Excel spreadsheet.
You can send students instructions through the assessment window. Click on the speech bubble in the right hand corner to send instructions.