Create a group
Create a group specific to a book by clicking on the Create group button in the ellipsis underneath your book.
Fill in the fields on the Create group menu (group name and a unique code) to create a sharable Group code. Copy this code to share with your students.
Finding group information
To can edit and amend your groups go to the Manage groups tab
Group names, codes and student information can be found in the detail. These can be edited at any time.
Deleting a group
In the Manage groups tab select the bin/trash icon to delete a group.
You will see a pop up to confirm your choice.
Edit group names
To edit the group code click Edit on the Group name line.
A pop up will open allowing you to edit the Group Name.
Editing group codes
To edit the access code, click edit on the Access Code line.
A pop up will open allowing you to edit the Access Code.
A student cannot be removed from the school, but can be removed from a group, to remove a student select using the tick boxes and click the Remove student button.
Manage students' information
Under the ‘Manage groups’ tab, click on the person button to edit the first name, last name, email address and password.
Teachers can fix errors in names and email addresses as well as reset passwords.
Adding students to groups using the bulk import tool
You can add students to groups in bulk.
To do this, go to the Manage users tab
Downloading the Group Code template
You must use the template to add students to groups.
- Click on the Import/export options button
- Click on the Download Group Import Template - XLSX
Completing the download spreadsheet
Please note that the spreadsheet is sensitive to changes and particular characters. For the spreadsheet to parse the upload process, you are unable to add/remove columns.
4. Both fields Username (column A) and Group Code (column B) on the form are required.
5. Username and Group code are both case sensitive.
6. The group code entered MUST include the 6 digit institution code
Adding students to groups
To add codes to existing users, you need to export existing users’ information.
7. Click on the Import/export options button
8. Click on Export – XLSX
This downloads a spreadsheet with your existing users in it.
9. Copy the usernames you want to add codes to
10. Paste the usernames into the Download Template.
11. Group Codes can be added into column B.
You can only enter one group code in a cell.
Group codes need to include the 6 digital institution code as well as the code you choose, group codes are case sensitive.
Validating and importing records
To add these new accounts and codes you need to import and validate the Download Template spreadsheet
Make sure you’ve saved the spreadsheet
12. Click on the Import/export options button
13. Click on Import – XLSX
14. Click Browse and find your spreadsheet
15. Click on Validate to see if the spreadsheet parses. The total number of valid and invalid users are included.
16. If there are any invalid users click the Download report button to find out the issues (see the Common issues section below for more details).
Common issues you may encounter
After importing, you may see ‘Invalid user records’ in the Overview Report area. To find out about these issues in more detail, click Download report.
Any issues will be highlighted in red in the report spreadsheet, Remarks (column C) has specific information about issues.